tailor-made contemporary wallcoverings





The Elusive Otter

This graphic design is inspired by the utopian idea of surface liquefaction. This is no wall or partition; rather there is an allusion to an atmosphere, a dream in which the swan elegantly indulges. There are no limits or boundaries. Everything is fluid and free, an open system devoid of barriers, where the absence of straight lines creates a sense of freedom and openness. As often happens in dreams however, something suddenly bursts onto the scene: behold the second swan that shatters the silence, beating its wings mightily, whipping up a gust of wind that shakes and upsets the leaves around it. The Elusive Otter

Maßgeschneiderte Tapete für Innenräume, gedruckt auf d.ecodura™, dem ersten organischen Bio-Vinyl-Tapetensubstrat.

Erhältlich in Rollen von 47 cm Breite und nach Maß in zwei verschiedenen Ausführungen:

d.TW d.ecodura™ Texture Wallpaper, mit einem edlen Stoff-Effekt

d.SW d.ecodura™ Sand Wallpaper, deren glatte Textur an die feine Körnigkeit von Sand erinnert.