tailor-made contemporary wallcoverings





Francesca Zoboli

Pictorial/chromatic research focused on overlapping textures of different colour tones in the range of browns, reds, pinks. The basic figures are elementary, including circles and ovals.

The work is serial, modular and based on the endless repetition of all the elements involved.

Hence my work 'Chromatikos', partly inspired by the works of James Lee Byars and his elementary symbolic language based on primary forms, has been developed for Wall&decò, imagining an off-scale version of what were originally drawings on A4 sheets. Francesca Zoboli

Maßgeschneiderte Tapete für Innenräume, gedruckt auf d.ecodura™, dem ersten organischen Bio-Vinyl-Tapetensubstrat.

Erhältlich in Rollen von 47 cm Breite und nach Maß in zwei verschiedenen Ausführungen:

d.TW d.ecodura™ Texture Wallpaper, mit einem edlen Stoff-Effekt

d.SW d.ecodura™ Sand Wallpaper, deren glatte Textur an die feine Körnigkeit von Sand erinnert.