tailor-made contemporary wallcoverings

Gelsomino Notturno

Gelsomino Notturno



Anna Vermiglia De Carlo

GELSOMINO NOTTURNO is a flowering forest that somehow draws on both contemporary painting and a strong desire to preserve unspoilt nature, which we increasingly feel is under threat. Surrounding an environment with the freshness of a real garden brings joy and well-being.

To me, the Mediterranean is the scent of jasmine. Its fragrance envelops and penetrates deep down, at certain times of day it can become so intense that it confuses the senses, setting us afloat in a psychedelic sea. Anna Vermiglia de Carlo

Maßgeschneiderte Tapete für Innenräume, gedruckt auf d.ecodura™, dem ersten organischen Bio-Vinyl-Tapetensubstrat.

Erhältlich in Rollen von 47 cm Breite und nach Maß in zwei verschiedenen Ausführungen:

d.TW d.ecodura™ Texture Wallpaper, mit einem edlen Stoff-Effekt

d.SW d.ecodura™ Sand Wallpaper, deren glatte Textur an die feine Körnigkeit von Sand erinnert.