tailor-made contemporary wallcoverings





Antonella Guidi

“The encounter with this flower with an elegant posture in a garden overlooking an avenue of plane trees, in Sardinia.

He called me in that way that only certain flowers use to do. I looked at him for a long time and I would have liked to portray him in all his magnificence, but in that moment a gust of wind hid him from the view behind a grate and from there he whispered to me in that gentle way: "You can paint me, but only with real simplicity" – Antonella Guidi

Patentierte, absolut wasserfeste Tapete nach Maß für Nassbereiche mit direktem Wasserkontakt wie Bäder, Duschen, Küchen, Schwimmbadbereiche Spas.

Erhältlich in Rollen mit 94 cm Breite und auf Maß.

Das WET-System-Kit enthält Primer, Kleber, Fiberglasrollen und Schutzabdeckungen.