tailor-made contemporary wallcoverings






A tree nourishes itself by absorbing raw sap from the soil, nothing more than water and inorganic salts. Through photosynthesis, the sap is transformed into a solution rich in sugars and proteins, which then spreads to all the cells of the organism. However, when a tree is cut down, all the water inside never evaporates in full. Based on this concept, we have developed photographic images of a segmented tree in a world that emphasises its water even after its death. The resulting image becomes an open space, where the tree’s liquid essence is unleashed for the rest of the world to behold, steeped in the essence of a new vitality in the making. CTRLZAK

Patentierte, absolut wasserfeste Tapete nach Maß für Nassbereiche mit direktem Wasserkontakt wie Bäder, Duschen, Küchen, Schwimmbadbereiche Spas.

Erhältlich in Rollen mit 94 cm Breite und auf Maß.

Das WET-System-Kit enthält Primer, Kleber, Fiberglasrollen und Schutzabdeckungen.