tailor-made contemporary wallcoverings

Real Fake

Real Fake



Enrico Beccari

Using the digital technique, I wanted to recreate a plant that appears very real and three-dimensional to the eye, but which manifests its true material on closer inspection: cement, just like the background on which it stands.

A striped curtain acts as a layer that partially hides and distorts the plant - any object replacing the plant will undergo similar graphic distortion, generating a perception of impalpability. Enrico Beccari

Patentierte, absolut wasserfeste Tapete nach Maß für Nassbereiche mit direktem Wasserkontakt wie Bäder, Duschen, Küchen, Schwimmbadbereiche Spas.

Erhältlich in Rollen mit 94 cm Breite und auf Maß.

Das WET-System-Kit enthält Primer, Kleber, Fiberglasrollen und Schutzabdeckungen.