tailor-made contemporary wallcoverings






Hoop skirts, extremely popular in the 1950s, are still considered a vintage classic. The idea behind this graphic is to use a stylised image of the iconic garment and disengage it from its natural context. The wave-like folds of the fabric become geometric elements in movement and their shadows become filled with color. The background is devoid of printed decorations, so that the simple fabric texture is perceived, grounded in a perfect sense of tastefulness. Ruga Perissinotto

Patentierte, absolut wasserfeste Tapete nach Maß für Nassbereiche mit direktem Wasserkontakt wie Bäder, Duschen, Küchen, Schwimmbadbereiche Spas.

Erhältlich in Rollen mit 94 cm Breite und auf Maß.

Das WET-System-Kit enthält Primer, Kleber, Fiberglasrollen und Schutzabdeckungen.