tailor-made contemporary wallcoverings





Ludovica+Roberto Palomba

We have always been fascinated by herbariums and antique nature prints, especially by the quality with which engravers of the past wished to represent trees, plants and animals, using such abstract realism. In this play of amassed and upside down memories and fragments, we especially wanted to highlight this sort of play of memories and suggestions, as if they were shreds of a thought flowing through the pages of an old book of prints. Palomba Serafini

Revestimiento mural personalizado para interiores impreso en d.ecodura™, el primer sustrato de papel pintado biovinílico orgánico.

Disponible en rollos de 47 cm de ancho y altura personalizada en dos acabados diferentes:

d.TW d.ecodura™ Texture Wallpaper, con un precioso efecto de tela

d.SW d.ecodura™ Sand Wallpaper, cuya suave textura recuerda al fino granulado de la arena.