tailor-made contemporary wallcoverings





Gio Tirotto

Terracotta is the material I wanted to use to create a new skyline of an imaginary city, investigating the effects of light on this material, highlighting variations of fulls and voids and relative colour nuances. The variations of the material reflect different processes: on the one hand the classic method is used (brick red); on the other the earth remains in its raw, unfired state, highlighting the natural colours of the clay. Gio Tirotto

Revestimiento mural personalizado para interiores impreso en d.ecodura™, el primer sustrato de papel pintado biovinílico orgánico.

Disponible en rollos de 47 cm de ancho y altura personalizada en dos acabados diferentes:

d.TW d.ecodura™ Texture Wallpaper, con un precioso efecto de tela

d.SW d.ecodura™ Sand Wallpaper, cuya suave textura recuerda al fino granulado de la arena.