tailor-made contemporary wallcoverings





Le Dictateur

Zamia is a design of seemingly natural inspiration that features a surface entirely saturated with the presence of out-of-scale zamia leaves fully reproduced using 3D software and arranged to create an "all-over" effect.

The technique used in the synthesis of this pattern is therefore not only a tool for a formal objective, but also a reflection on the totally distorted and unbalanced relationship between man and nature. Federico Pepe

Revestimiento mural personalizado para interiores impreso en d.ecodura™, el primer sustrato de papel pintado biovinílico orgánico.

Disponible en rollos de 47 cm de ancho y altura personalizada en dos acabados diferentes:

d.TW d.ecodura™ Texture Wallpaper, con un precioso efecto de tela

d.SW d.ecodura™ Sand Wallpaper, cuya suave textura recuerda al fino granulado de la arena.