tailor-made contemporary wallcoverings





Paolo Badesco Costantino Affuso

The use of material textures is intended to make the wall a witness to the passage of time, of entropy, which is crescendoing towards a maximum of disorder with maximum stability - just as we also tend towards material disorder when striving for spiritual stability. The patchwork of fabrics, the erosion of plaster, the almost violent rips, are all elements used to elevate matter and its tactile properties to a visual element and protagonist of space, a synesthesia of two senses.

"Everything is a matter of art and art is all matter." Andros Paolo Badesco - Costantino Affuso

Revestimiento mural personalizado para interiores impreso en d.ecodura™, el primer sustrato de papel pintado biovinílico orgánico.

Disponible en rollos de 47 cm de ancho y altura personalizada en dos acabados diferentes:

d.TW d.ecodura™ Texture Wallpaper, con un precioso efecto de tela

d.SW d.ecodura™ Sand Wallpaper, cuya suave textura recuerda al fino granulado de la arena.