tailor-made contemporary wallcoverings

In choro florum

In choro florum



Anna Vermiglia De Carlo

From the palace of Knossos in Crete, to the patrician villas of ancient Rome and residences of the Indian maharaja', the pleasure of representing nature in the home has been kept alive through the ages. From painting to majolica, tapestries, stencils, and wallpaper, culminating in the marvellous 19th century patterns of William Morris. .IN CHORO FLORUM continues this ancient tradition of design: a delicate ramification that draws inspiration from and radically overhauls traditional Indian and Chinese patterns, stripping away all classicism and projecting them into the future with a high-impact stylisation. Anna Vermiglia de Carlo

Revestimiento mural personalizado para interiores impreso en d.ecodura™, el primer sustrato de papel pintado biovinílico orgánico.

Disponible en rollos de 47 cm de ancho y altura personalizada en dos acabados diferentes:

d.TW d.ecodura™ Texture Wallpaper, con un precioso efecto de tela

d.SW d.ecodura™ Sand Wallpaper, cuya suave textura recuerda al fino granulado de la arena.