tailor-made contemporary wallcoverings





Eva Germani

The point of interest of 'Sguardo' are the consistencies created with overlapping elements such as canvas, gauze, studs, plaster, which generate new depths and material textures.

The use of recovered, unlined, disassembled materials manifests itself in a contemporary key, assuming new identities and new forms: the resulting picture is therefore saturated with elements already lived, with other lives, which manifest themselves ex-novo according to a totally inedited conformation.

Revestimiento de pared a medida, patentado y totalmente impermeable, para zonas húmedas con contacto directo con el agua, como baños, duchas, cocinas, zonas de piscinas y spas.

Disponible en rollos de 94 cm de ancho y altura a medida.

El kit WET System incluye imprimación, cola, rollos de fibra de vidrio y acabados protectores.