tailor-made contemporary wallcoverings





Paolo Badesco Costantino Affuso

In Greek mythology, Psyche is often depicted as a maiden with butterfly wings. In fact, 'psyché' means soul, life breath, but also butterfly. She thus becomes an allegory of the soul and spirit. A tribute to this small being with a powerful symbolic meaning, whose metamorphosis is a mystery that has touched mankind since antiquity and represents its life stages, acquiring the value of a symbol of rebirth. Just like human consciousness goes through various stages before emerging in the light, after transforming from a graceless caterpillar, the butterfly changes several times before embracing its final, proud and vital form. Paolo Badesco + Costantino Affuso

Revestimiento de pared a medida, patentado y totalmente impermeable, para zonas húmedas con contacto directo con el agua, como baños, duchas, cocinas, zonas de piscinas y spas.

Disponible en rollos de 94 cm de ancho y altura a medida.

El kit WET System incluye imprimación, cola, rollos de fibra de vidrio y acabados protectores.