tailor-made contemporary wallcoverings

Julio 2022 / Cervia, Italy

Le Misure - ancient dwelling of hospitality in Cervia

Le Misure, an ancient dwelling of hospitality in the charming saline village of Cervia, the heart of the Romagna Riviera is an opportunity to stop and stay that thrives on exclusive environments.
A family project that has seen Christian Benini - founder and artistic director of Wall&decò - directly engaged to create a space that fully represents his own philosophy of living and a synthesis of his artistic path, first as founder, then as creative director.
A story told by the walls -the main protagonists- that describe the passage of time and create a varied and immersive visual path.
From Midsummer Night, through Brasilia, Niveum, Tutto è Luce, Deshabillé, the wallpapers printed on both Contemporary Wallpaper substrate for the sleeping areas and WET System wall covering for the bathrooms, show a clear visual identity, while respecting a common thread: ensuring the maximum comfort of the hotellerie while recreating the warmth of the domestic dimension.

interior project: Christian Benini
ph. Alessandra Ianniello

Project tags

indoor, hotel&residential, room&suite, contemporary wallpaper, decodura, indoor, hotel&residential, ceiling, contemporary wallpaper, decodura, indoor, hotel&residential, bathroom, aquabout wet system, aquabout wet system, indoor, hotel&residential, shower, aquabout wet system, aquabout wet system