tailor-made contemporary wallcoverings

A sign in the water

A sign in the water



Antonella Guidi

A sign in the water

Walking on the sand

kicking shells as if they were thoughts

then a wave comes and scatters them in the water.

The wave recedes and the signs remain on the sand.

Observe those marks

photograph them and turn them into shapes

and thoughts into colours.

Thinking in red because I am angry

Thinking in blue because I am grateful

Thinking in yellow because I carry happiness with me

Thinking in green because the search for inspiration is always there

Thinking in grey because I am the unpredictable, frothy wave of my winter sea Antonella Guidi

Revêtement mural personnalisé pour intérieur imprimé sur d.ecodura™, le premier support de papier peint bio-vinyle organique.

Disponible en lés de 47 cm de largeur et de hauteur sur mesure dans deux finitions différentes :

d.TW d.ecodura™ Texture Wallpaper, avec un effet de tissu précieux

d.SW d.ecodura™ Sand Wallpaper, dont la texture lisse rappelle le grain fin du sable