tailor-made contemporary wallcoverings

A Memory of Home

A Memory of Home



Talva Design

"During the confinement past experiences emerged in images, colours, fractions of memories of different places where we felt at home. One of these memories is the basis of this design, originally a photo of a beautiful field in bloom where I was with my loved ones. Spots of colours and shades, translated into a graphic game of surfaces, textures and lines: the upper part of the design reflects the vivid colours of the day, while the lower part portrays less material colours and the more grazing lights of the evening" - Tal Waldman

Revêtement mural breveté, totalement imperméable, conçu pour les zones humides en contact direct avec l'eau, telles que les salles de bains, les douches, les cuisines, les piscines et les spas.

Disponible en rouleaux d'une largeur de 94 cm et d'une hauteur personnalisée.

Le kit WET System comprend le primaire, la colle, les rouleaux de fibre de verre et les finitions de protection.