tailor-made contemporary wallcoverings

Go Boy Go!

Go Boy Go!



Enrico Beccari

The inspiration for the graphics comes from a true story: a mother bear from Trentino saved from a sad fate by people who voted for her to go on living. The story lives again in a lunar landscape, the photograph of an instant, the illustrated tale of a journey to continue together that leaves footprints on the snow. The narrative moves on the wall, cutting it in two almost as if to mark the boundary between a forgotten past in a dense forest and a white future to be drawn that involves the viewer to write the rest.

Revêtement mural breveté, totalement imperméable, conçu pour les zones humides en contact direct avec l'eau, telles que les salles de bains, les douches, les cuisines, les piscines et les spas.

Disponible en rouleaux d'une largeur de 94 cm et d'une hauteur personnalisée.

Le kit WET System comprend le primaire, la colle, les rouleaux de fibre de verre et les finitions de protection.