tailor-made contemporary wallcoverings

My Signature

My Signature




This wallpaper was inspired by our love of concrete. A pure, solid and rough material, perfect for creating minimal and sculptural shapes, reminiscent of 50s and 70s Brutalist aesthetics. After experimenting with various uses in our work, we decided to transfer the power of this material onto wallpaper, albeit in a more delicate, fluid and artistic version. Just like in a painting by Aurel, material laden brushstrokes prevail, creating an imperfect design, manifesting all its texture and depth. The original designs were handmade using cement resins, the same ones used in Aurel's works. Draga&Aurel

Custom wallcovering for interiors printed on d.ecodura™, the first organic bio-vinyl wallpaper substrate.

Available in rolls of 47 cm width and custom height in two different finishes:

d.TW d.ecodura™ Texture Wallpaper, with a precious fabric effect

d.SW d.ecodura™ Sand Wallpaper, whose smooth texture reminds of the fine graininess of sand.