tailor-made contemporary wallcoverings

Che Fai Laggiù Bambina

Che Fai Laggiù Bambina



Antonella Guidi

In certain seasons, places are extinguished, cancelled out or fall asleep. Certain roads that cross them are as silent and bare as the places that accompany them. Then spring arrives and the miraculous return to life takes place silently and intensely. Leaves, flowers, scents and insects begin the construction of the new season. Places that until then seemed lifeless offer one of the most joyful spectacles that nature holds in store, and in these joyful places it is inevitable to hide.

Made-to-measure, patented, totally waterproof, wall covering for wet areas with direct contact with water such as bathrooms, showers, kitchens, pool areas, spas.

Available in rolls of 94 cm width and custom height.

WET System kit includes primer, glue, fiberglass rolls and protective finishes.